Sunday, January 19, 2020

Soak up relaxation: Young Living DIY Bath tea with essential oils

In our humble opinion, we’re experts on relaxation! We know how to keep our chill and stay mindful-we even know how to do so luxuriously. 
Today’s edition of hacks from your resident serenity specialists: DIY bath tea! 
Bath teas, a sure way to find a moment of calm while pampering your skin, are easy to make! With just a few common ingredients and some lush ones too, you’ll be soaking in floral bliss in no time.

Lavender essential oil 
1 cup whole dried oats 
1/2 cup dried lavender buds 
1/2 cup dried chamomile 
1/2 cup dried rose petals 
1/2 cup Epsom salt 
1/2 cup coarse Himalayan salt 
10 drops Lavender essential oil 
10 drops German Chamomile essential oil 
5 drops Rose essential oil 
Muslin cotton drawstring pouches, approximately 5 inches long by 4 inches wide 

How to make bath tea: 
1. In a food processor or blender, grind oats for up to 30 seconds to make a fine powder. 
2. Combine oats, dried flowers, salt, and essential oils in a bowl. 
Mix well to thoroughly combine. 

YL tip: Can’t bring yourself to use 5 precious drops of Rose in this DIY? 
Try Geranium, Joy™, or any other floral favorite and soak in luxury! 

3. Scoop mixture into pouches, filling a little more than halfway. This recipe yields 3-5 pouches. 
4. Store in a cool, dry place. These tea bags will hold their freshness for up to three months.

How to use bath tea: 
1. Hang the pouch over the spout while your tub fills with hot water. 
2. When the tub is full, take the pouch off and let it float in the tub, continuing to steep in the bath water. 
3. Climb in and soak your worries away!

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